Bulk Cargo

We offer enhanced bulk handling services for quick distribution,
efficient, flexible and economical handling of solid bulk. Our team is responsible
throughout the logistical process, regardless of the place of origin or destination, we will transport your cargo safely,
optimizing your operations and reducing costs.
In addition to the transport expertise of this modality, we have a partnership with the main
shipowners around the world, which makes it possible to develop efficient logistics for
your company’s operations.

With specialized professionals and the latest technologies available for the transport and logistics segment, we guarantee
differentiated and highly qualified service.

MJS Cargo has experience in handling bulk cargo, including:

  • Iron Ore

  • Coal

  • Coke

  • Salt

  • Briquettes

  • Biomass

  • Lime

  • Soya

  • Fertilisers

  • General Cargo

Why hire MJS Cargo:

  • Comprehensive planning to ensure agility, safety and reliability in transport, from shipment to receipt;

  • Professionalism for special and oversize;

  • Use of different means of transport;
    With extensive experience in dedicated operators, it offers negotiation with operators and terminals;

  • It allows to study the feasibility of the correct means and modes of loading.

contact us

Talk to one of our experts.
We are ready to find the best solution for your cargo.

Rolar para cima


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